Empowering students and transforming lives through education, skills training, and faith."

I Kagoda - Sponsor Now

I Kagoda

Ibrahim comes from a polygamist family where his father has at least 19 children. His mother, the second wife, had 7 of those children. Abandoned by his father at 15, Ibrahim was forced to begin supporting himself . After school, he worked the land his mother rented, growing food to sell in the markets on the weekends, using his small profits to pay a portion of his school fees and basic needs.
Determined to pursue his education at all costs, Ibrahim enrolled in a private school to complete S4 (10) with only enough money to get started. Several times he was sent home because his fees had not been paid, but each time returned to the school empty handed. He completed S4 and took the national exam. Without the resources needed to continue, he took a year off of school to try to earn some money returning a year later with enough to get started on his last 2 years of school. He also immediately took advantage of a new program at the school that enabled him to work in exchange for his school fees.
Ibrahim recently completed S6 and took his national exams. His goal to become a high school teacher hinged on a scholarship but with only average results on the national exam, a scholarship was not a possibility. Now in Launch Uganda, Ibrahim is determined to take advantage of this opportunity to create a future for himself.