Empowering students and transforming lives through education, skills training, and faith."

B Timothy - Sponsor Now

B Timothy

Timothy was born into a loving Christian family.  His dad had completed part of high school while his mom had been able to attend only to P3 (Grade 3).  For the majority of his early years, his dad paid  his school fees and provided for the family’s needs.  By the time Timothy reached P5 (grade 5), the family began to suffer as his dad began to neglect the family and became unwilling to provide for their needs. An organization stepped in to help, paying half of his school fees, but the family still struggled to survive.  As the oldest, Timothy began working for people in the village.  Using his bike, he would fetch water for others, going to the well to fill as many as 200 jerrycans (5 gallon container) a day; getting paid less than 3 cents per can.  Timothy put in long days fetching water and digging in fields to  earn  small amounts of money.  Money that had to be split between a little for food and some for school fees.  Sometimes he missed   school for a week at a time in order to work to earn his school fees. He continued this indescribable struggle until he finally finished Primary school (Grade 7).

At this point, he had no hope of moving on to high school due to the higher cost of fees. Timothy was extremely grateful when he was given the opportunity to attend a Christian high school through a sponsorship. He began working for the school in exchange for his fees, even missing classes to honor his commitment.  When he completed S4 (Grade 10) and took the National Exams, his scores were insufficient to qualify him for any scholarships. His hope is to become an electrician to help support his family and help others seemed to disappear with the inability to complete his education. The opportunity to be part of Launch Uganda is an answer to his prayers and an avenue by which those hopes can finally be realized.